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Tag Archives: Christopher Frayling
Angela Carter and Christopher Frayling
Some more resources on the ever-fascinating Angela Carter here. There’s a (not entirely enthusiastic) review by Kate Webb in the TLS of Sir Christopher Frayling’s recent collection of essays, Inside the Bloody Chamber: On Angela Carter, the Gothic, and Other … Continue reading
Posted in Books and Articles, Resources
Tagged Angela Carter, Christopher Frayling, Gothic, poetry, radio drama
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Wolf Children come alive at Company of Wolves
Day three of the unforgettable ‘Company of Wolves’ conference focussed on ‘wolf children’, a catch all phrase for feral or wild children who were believed to have animal parents or like Romulus and Remus were suckled by wolves. I attended … Continue reading
OGOM Company of Wolves- Prof. Garry Marvin completes our programme
Thank you to everyone who has sent in abstracts for the OGOM Company of Wolves conference. We have enjoyed reading through the wonderfully varied and pertinent responses and today began to write to those who have been accepted so far. … Continue reading
OGOM Company of Wolves Conference: Extended Call for Papers
OGOM: ‘The Company of Wolves’: Sociality, Animality, and Subjectivity in Literary and Cultural Narratives—Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Feral Humans Conference, University of Hertfordshire, Sept 3rd-5th 2015 Extended Call for Papers and Panels OGOM is extending its call for papers for its … Continue reading
Posted in OGOM: The Company of Wolves
Tagged Angela Carter, animality, Animals, Anne Rice, CFP, Children's literature, Christopher Frayling, Fairy tales, feral children, Film, Folklore, gender, Genre, Gothic, Grimm brothers, identity, Intertextuality, Neil Jordan, Paranormal romance, Perrault, race, Romance, sexuality, Shapeshifters, TV, Werewolves, wilderness, Wolves, YA Fiction
Sir Christopher Frayling and Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber
Sir Christopher Frayling has applied his immense erudition to many areas of popular culture but will be best known here, perhaps, for his pioneering study, Vampyres: Lord Byron to Count Dracula (1978), which made academic research into vampire fiction respectable. … Continue reading
Posted in Critical thoughts
Tagged adaptation, Angela Carter, Christopher Frayling, Fairy tales, Vampires, Werewolves
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Peter and the Wolf : celebrity narration and the enduring appeal of this tale
Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf has been recorded more often than any other piece of classical music – over 400 times in more than a dozen languages. The narration has been spoken by everyone from David Bowie to Eleanor … Continue reading
OGOM Company of Wolves CFP – Beyond excited to announce this!
Conference, University of Hertfordshire, Sept 3rd-5th 2015: Call for Papers and Panels OGOM: ‘The Company of Wolves’: Sociality, Animality, and Subjectivity in Literary and Cultural Narratives—Werewolves, Shapeshifters, and Feral Humans Wolves have long been the archetypal enemy of human company, … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), Conferences, OGOM News, OGOM: The Company of Wolves
Tagged Angela Carter, Animals, Anne Rice, Bram Stoker, Catherine Spooner, CFP, Children's literature, Christopher Frayling, Conference, Fairy tales, feral children, Film, Folklore, gender, Genre, Gothic, Greg Duncan, Grimm brothers, Language, Maggie Stiefvater, Marcus Sedgwick, myth, nature, Neil Jordan, Paranormal romance, Perrault, race, Romance, sexuality, Shapeshifters, Stacey Abbott, TV, Werewolves, Wolves, YA Fiction
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OGOM: ‘Company of Wolves’, conference July 2015
Going to be blogging too about the fabulous ‘Company of Wolves’ event OGOM is presenting in July of this year. I am holding off posting the full CFP for a few days until I have heard from the wonderful duo … Continue reading