Tag Archives: Fairy tales

Resources: Fairies, fairy tales, YA and children’s literature, preternature

We’ve added some useful links to various resources from the website. These appear in the Related Links and Journals sections on the right-hand side of the Blog and Resources pages. The International Fairy-Tale Filmography is a fantastic database of film … Continue reading

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YA Gothic, fairytale retellings, demon lovers, mermaids and Scottish myths

Here’s a selection of interesting articles on OGOM-related topics. First, an article on YA Gothic with some recommended novels in the genre. Much of our research has focused on these texts–they are often more adventurous than their adult counterpart, especially … Continue reading

Posted in Generation Dead: YA Fiction and the Gothic news, Reading Lists, Resources | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Fairy Tales: Form and Language, PC Princesses

We at OGOM are fascinated by fairy tales, and there are many posts on the blog about them. My own research has been looking generally at how genres collide and intermingle to create new genres such as Paranormal Romance; in … Continue reading

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Big Bad Humans and Benevolent Wolves

Followers of OGOM will know that we have been at the forefront of debates around the cultural representation of the wolf since the Company of Wolves Conference in 2015. We went on to collaborate more fully with the UK Wolf … Continue reading

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Happy Hallowe’en with Betty Boop

Happy Hallowe’en to all from OGOM. What a fabulous party this is! Don’t forget to book for the free Being Human: Redeeming the Wolf event on 18 November 2017–tickets here!  

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Fairy Tales and Medieval Latin Literature

There’s a new book from the University of Michigan Press by Jan M. Ziolkowski, Fairy Tales from Before Fairy Tales: The Medieval Latin Past of Wonderful Lies which traces the connections between the classic tales of Grimm, Andersen, and so on, and … Continue reading

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Fairy Tale Pathology

To my mind, this advice by Sandhya Raghavan on ‘6 famous fairy tales you should never let your child read‘ seems like parody; these readings, if serious, are reductive, mechanistic, and unimaginative. Yet the alleged harmful effects of fairy tales … Continue reading

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Conference review: Damsels in Redress: Women in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Reimaginings, Queen’s University Belfast, 7-8 April 2017

At last I’ve managed to review the ‘Damsels in Redress: Women in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Reimaginings’ conference at Queen’s University Belfast which I attended recently. My thanks to the organisers, Lisa Kennedy, Amy Finlay, and Christina Collins for such an inspiring … Continue reading

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100 Must-read Books about Witches

S. Zainab Williams has compiled a great reading list here on witches in fiction.

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The malign influence of Beauty and the Beast

I’m always suspicious about deterministic claims for the malignant effects of fiction, which were rife in the eighteenth century with the rise of the novel and its effects on women and which have accompanied the emergence of new media ever … Continue reading

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