OGOM website changes

I’ve made some changes–I hope for the better–to the OGOM website. I’m working towards a redesign that will make the site more attractive, more informative and interactively communal, and easier to use.

There is now a sitemap (with a link, just under the search box on the right sidebar) which display the structure of the site and all the pages that are available.

I’ve also added a Facebook feed, displaying the latest posts on our OGOM Facebook, in addition to the Twitter feed and below it on the right-hand side. We’re hoping this will draw the two overlapping sets of OGOM participants more closely together, attracting Facebook followers to the blog, where they can join in by commenting on blog entries and enjoy the more permanent resources that the website offers. In turn, from the blog you can follow the more ephemeral posts on Facebook and join in the more spontaneous discussions there.

The calendar–which highlights past posts and allows you to access them by date–has been moved to the foot of the page next to the word cloud.

More changes to come! Please do comment and make suggestions.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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