2022: The Year of the Vampire

2022 is the YEAR of the VAMPIRE!! 100 years of Nosferatu, 125 years of Dracula, 150 years of Carmilla, 175 of Varney the Vampire, 25 years of Buffy and many more. OGOM has a special focus on vampire studies, so this is a very significant and important year. The project has already celebrated the Nosferatu Centenary with a wonderful symposium, Nosferatu at 100: The Vampire as Contagion (see our Twitter moment here) and we are planning another top-secret vampire event in October with the founder of modern vampire studies (all will be revealed). You can now view our celebratory page on The Year of the Vampire with a click-through gallery of vampires celebrating their anniversaries in 2022 (there are quite a few).  

We have also designed a special Vampire Timeline and searchable Chronology of the Vampire for all gothic scholars and followers of OGOM. This timeline shows key texts (literary, cinematic, and TV) and events in the evolution of cultural representations of the vampire. We have chosen items that are the most significant or that we consider particularly interesting. Click on the left and right arrows to move through the vampire’s history. We will be continually updating this resource and we’re open to suggestions. Also new to the website is a Vampire Bibliography of secondary reading which we’ll update regularly with new vampire related material. (We will also be creating timelines and bibliographies for other OGOM topics.)

To get you in the mood for a little vampire nostalgia, have a look back at footage from our first ever vampire conference in 2010: ‘Vampires Make It into Academia’ a video from the Wall Street Journal. A little reminder, too, that following our centenary celebrations on Polidori’s Vampyre in 2019, our book The Legacy of John William Polidori: The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny will be launching soon (published by MUP). Fangs to all our followers. Do join us in October for further vampire-themed celebrations.

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to 2022: The Year of the Vampire

  1. carmen says:

    hello, i have a question, do you really believe in vampires that they Actualy live among us? Have you met one? or is this only people’s imagination- these Nosferatu, Twilight……etc

    • William the Bloody says:

      I personally don’t believe they exist. What interests us at OGOM is how vampires, werewolves, fairies, and so on excite the imagination and inspire countless novels, films, and other narratives, all very different and expressing very diverse viewpoints. So we concentrate on the imagination and the storytelling and what they reveal about human society rather than worrying about whether they exist (which isn’t nearly as interesting!). Vampires do live among us, but in our dreams and collective stories.

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