CFPs: Fantasy, Irish literature, religion, the occult, Islam, horror, Shelley, the Inklings

CFPs for some exciting conferences ahead.

1. Once and Future  Fantasies conference, Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic (CFF) at the University of Glasgow, 13 –17 July 2022. Deadline: 22 October 2021 

We therefore ask how fantasy and the fantastic engage with past global traditions whilst seeking and constructing new myths capable of taking account of the strange days we are living through. The conference also seeks to address the past(s), present and future(s) of fantasy and the fantastic as modes of artistic expression and creativity. 

2. ‘Caliban’s Mirror’: The 2022 Wilde and Joyce Symposium, 5-6 May 2022, Trinity College Dublin. Deadline: 15 October 2021

Never before has there been an academic conference on the relationship between these two Irish writers. Perhaps even more startling to those familiar with ‘the Joyce industry’ will be the knowledge that there has never been an edited collection of essays on Joyce and Wilde. [. . .] It is our intention to publish a selection of papers from this symposium in order to fill this obvious gap.
The 2022 Wilde and Joyce Symposium welcomes papers that bring these two Irish writers together in innovative ways.

3. Religion, Spiritualism and Occultism in Irish Literature from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, on line, 7 to 8 January 2022. Deadline: 7 November 2021

This conference seeks to explore the intricate patchwork of spiritual and religious practices, occult and esoteric beliefs, and spiritualist endeavours found in Irish literature from the nineteenth century and up to the present.

4. Glasgow International Fantasy Conversations (GIFCon) 2022: Fantasy Across Media, Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic, University of Glasgow, online, 27-29 April 2022. Deadline: 3 December 2021

GIFCon 2022 is a three-day virtual conference that seeks to examine the myriad narrative possibilities afforded by fantasy across media. We welcome proposals for papers relating to this theme from researchers and practitioners working in the field of fantasy and the fantastic across all media, whether within the academy or beyond it. 

5. The Inklings and Horror: Fantasy’s Dark Corners, The Mythopoeic Society, on line, 4-5 February 2022. Deadline: 15 November 2021

The Mythopoeic Society invites paper submissions for an online conference that focuses on the connections between and among Inkling authors and the literary tropes of the horror sub-genre of speculative fiction, to be held through Zoom and Discord February 4-5, 2022. 

6. Islamic Perspectives on Exotheology, Virginia Commonwealth University, on line, 10-11 May 2022. Deadline: 31 December 2021

With increasing interest and attention given toextraterrestrial life in contemporary developments and discourses, Islamic perspectives onexotheology have become a niche area that require due attention. This conference aims to fillthis gap by inviting scholars from all over the world and from different backgrounds to helpmake sense of this relatively unexplored territory. We believe this exploration will elevateIslamic discourses that are directly engaging with contemporary questions

7. Shelley200: Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Final Years and Afterlives, The Nightingale Room at Keats House, Hampstead, London, 8-9 July 2022. Deadline: 7 February 2022

The Shelley Conference will celebrate the achievements of a major Romantic poet, but also his various afterlives. We invite papers on Shelley’s last two years in Italy (his work, thought, life, friendships, and reading), but also on matters of Shelleyan reception: Shelley editing, and networks of influence, including the political, the musical, and the visual.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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