CFPs: SF inequality, Twin Peaks, Georgette Heyer, Through the Looking-Glass, Oceans, The Exorcist, fairy tales, reviewers

Calls for papers for conferences and journals:

1. The Future of/as Inequality, Science Fiction Research Association (Virtual) Annual Conference 2021, 18-21 June 2021. Deadline: 1 May 2021.

The Science Fiction Research Association invites proposals for its 2021 annual conference, to be held virtually from June 18 until June 21, 2021 and sponsored by Seneca College, Toronto, Canada. Topics related to the conference theme include (but not limited to the following:

posthumanism(s) and the economies of/and poverty
(hyper) exploitation and posthuman labouring bodies
reinforcing/redefining social class
utopianism and post-capitalist societies
the Anthropocene; or, we’re not all in the same (sinking) ship, are we?
Indigenous survivance
speculative technologies of resistance

2. Beyond Life and Death: Twin Peaks at Thirty, online one-day symposium, 12 June 2021. Deadline: 3 May 2021

Twin Peaks is known for its mastery of the uncanny, its defiance of convention, and its idiosyncratic characters. Cherry pie and death often appear in the same mouthful, and this seamless blending of the ethereal and the everyday makes it rich for Gothic enquiry. With this in mind, we hope that ‘Beyond Life and Death: Twin Peaks at Thirty’ will reflect the horror, humour and hybridity that make the series so special.

We are seeking proposals for traditional conference papers but also for creative and creative critical work, including short film pieces, that engages with Lynch and Frost’s masterpiece.

3. ‘My Poor Devil’: Georgette Heyer’s The Black Moth at 100, one-day online conference, 20 November 2021. Deadline: 31 May 2021.

Known for her humour, complicated plots, delightful characters, attention to linguistic detail and historical research, there is much to both celebrate and explore in her work. Her legacy is not, of course, without its problems – the world she created has its limitations, its prejudices and its biases. This one-day online conference on 20th November 2021, will seek to explore Heyer’s work and her legacy with a spirit both of celebration and of critical enquiry.

4. Through the Looking-Glass Sesquicentenary Conference 2021, online conference, [no date]. Deadline: 15 June 2021.

In the context of Through the Looking-Glass, we invite presentations exploring the theme of mirrors, offering fresh approaches to any aspects of the work itself, addressing, in particular, the difference between Looking-Glass and Wonderland, or aspects of Lewis Carroll’s biography, his historical, literary, and epistemological environment, intertextualities with other authors, Carroll’s correspondents or wider circles, which promise to shed new light on his Looking-Glass world.

5. Call for articles: Oceans of Wonders / Océans merveilleux, Fantasy Art and Studies. Deadline: 25 June 2021.

For its 11th issue, Fantasy Art and Studies invites you to submit papers exploring the relationship between Fantasy and the ocean imaginary.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
the imaginary of the surface, between navigational narratives and island explorations,
the imaginations of the depths,
the sea and the ocean as motors of narrative structures,
the historical facts and legends surrounding the ocean and their re-actualisation in Fantasy,
the oceanic and maritime aesthetics in Fantasy, from places as well as characters.

6. CFP Special Edition of Revenant: The Exorcist: Studies on Possession, Influence, and Society. Deadline: 31 October 2021.

The Exorcist has much to offer as the foci for extensive and sustained research in the humanistic disciplines. This Special Edition of Revenant aims to start a new conversation on The Exorcist according to three dimensions: 1) to go back to the roots of the concept of possession, 2) to assess the cultural impact of the book and film, and 3) to present new scholarly developments about the book and film.

7. Call for Reviewers: Mapping the Impossible.

Mapping the Impossible is always looking for new reviewers to help review our papers. This can be brilliant experience for engaging with published academia and building your CV, and our reviewers take precedence when we recruit for our editorial board.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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