Angela Carter’s Life and Works, British Library, 24 November 2016

Angela Carter is a presiding spirit over the OGOM Project: of interest to us for her werewolves and vampires, her transmutation of fairy tales and other texts, and because she was such a powerful and important writer.

A new biography of Carter by Edmund Gordon has just been published; he talks about her life and the writing of it here. Gordon will also be appearing in discussion with Lisa Appignanesi, Susannah Clapp and Pauline Melville at the British Library on 24 November.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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One Response to Angela Carter’s Life and Works, British Library, 24 November 2016

  1. firekrank says:

    Oooh, I must try and get myself to this. It looks amazing!

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