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Tag Archives: forests
CFPs: Fantastika, Dark Arts, the Supernatural, Popular Culture, Witchcraft, Trees & Forests
There is a whole batch of CFPs for various exciting events here: Theorising the Popular Conference, Liverpool Hope University, 11-12 July 2018 The conference invites submissions from a broad range of disciplines, and is particularly interested in new ways of … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences)
Tagged fantastic, Folklore, forests, heritage, landscape, myth, popular culture, supernatural, tourism, trees, witchcraft
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Fairy Tale Films and Gothic Forests at the Barbican, 3-25 May 2017
A season of films on fairy tale and Gothic forests, Into the Woods at the Barbican (including Neil Jordan’s adaptation of Angela Carter’s tales, The Company of Wolves, which inspired OGOM’s 2015 conference). Join us as we venture in to the … Continue reading
Posted in Events
Tagged Angela Carter, Company of Wolves, fairy tale, Film, Folklore, forests, Gothic, landscapes, supernatural
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Beasts of the Forest: Denizens of the Dark Woods
One of the emails I received over the holiday period was an invitation to be a plenary speaker at an interdisciplinary symposium at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London, which will explore the representation of forests and their more sinister inhabitants … Continue reading
Posted in CFP (Conferences), OGOM News
Tagged Big Foot, fairies, forests, Gothic landscapes, Wolves, woods