Snow Queens and OGOM Research

We’re aiming to make the OGOM website a great resource for scholars of the Gothic and fantastic, students, and people in general who are interested in these topics.

One of the things we’re trying out is a repository of all the research that emerges from the OGOM Centre, including public talks, conference papers, articles, and work in progress. I’ve added two pages for this under the Resources menu option. To try out the idea, I’ve made available my recent talk for the ‘The Gothic North’ symposium, ‘Boreal Magic: Snow Queens, Frozen Landscapes, and Restoring Equilibrium in Paranormal Romance’. You can download the talk as a PDF and the slides as a PowerPoint file.

Please don’t hesitate to give us suggestions on how we can improve this–I’m sure there may be more elegant ways of doing this!

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to Snow Queens and OGOM Research

  1. firekrank says:

    This is wonderful. I’m looking forward to sitting down and reading it in its entirety.

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