The Unheimlich Manoeuvre : Uncanny Short Stories Out Soon

Here are the details of a new book by Tracy Fahey who will be a big part of the OGOM Books of Blood project next year. Looking forward to working with you Tracy!


Unheimlich correctedA collection by Tracy Fahey
Produced in a limited edition of 150 hardbacks
Cover image by Judy O’Riordan, design by Daryl Duncan
Interior photography by Tracy Fahey
£15 plus P+P
Released 16th July

The Unheimlich Manoeuvre is a collection of short stories based around ideas of the domestic uncanny  – the Unheimlich. The stories in this collection don’t fall into the conventional ‘haunted house’ bracket, but explore the psychological horror that occurs when home is subverted as a place of safety, when it becomes surreal, changes, and even disappears…

In these stories, a coma patient awakes to find herself replaced by a doppelganger, a ghost estate reflects doubles both of houses and inhabitants, a shared paranormal experience abroad haunts both protagonists on their return home, a woman looks for the site of a Gothic atrocity, a housing estate takes control of its trespassers, and a beaten woman exacts revenge.

Just as the Heimlich Manoeuvre restores order, health and well-being, the Unheimlich Manoeuvre does quite the opposite.

See details of how to order the book here

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to The Unheimlich Manoeuvre : Uncanny Short Stories Out Soon

  1. Tracy says:

    Thanks Sam, how kind and unexpected – lovely of you to share this. Looking forward to much books and blood and plotting!

  2. You are very welcome. Will have some more blood news for you shortly!!
    More soon. Sam

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