Black and Deep Desires: was the ‘dark lady’ of Shakespeare’s sonnets a vampire?

Black and Deep Desires
William Shakespeare, Vampire Hunter
Shakespeare, the Dark Lady, Guy Fawkes – and vampires!

Prof. Graham Holderness (esteemed Shakespeare scholar and Professor of Literature here at the University of Hertfordshire) has embraced the spirit of OGOM and created a mash up of Macbeth in which the ‘dark lady’ of Shakespeare’s sonnets becomes rather more sinister and the bard turns vampire hunter! This is a novel in the comic spirit of Anthony Burgess or Kim Newman. And Holderness has more fireworks up his sleeve when Marlowe and Guy Fawkes are thrown into the mix. The Elizabethan underworld, much loved by Marlowe, begins to resemble Dante, and in a nod to Dr Faustus, the theatricals turn phantasmagoria, with Dracula waiting in the wings. Looks like we might have to invite Prof. Holderness to be a part of our new research centre, tentatively called Centre for the Study of the Representation of the Dark Arts (CSRDA) !!

Here is a summary of the novel Black and Deep Desires along with some interesting  reviews


About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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