Werewolves in the Academy


OGOM’s very own Kaja Franck submitted her PhD thesis yesterday. It has been an absolute pleasure and a joy to supervise this project and see it grow into such a substantial piece of research.   ‘The Development of the Literary Werewolf: Language, Subjectivity and Animal/Human Boundaries’ is several inches thick, 358 pages long, weighs more than a small baby, and contains a 40 page table of werewolves in literature (I love that bit)!!


We await Kaja’s viva now as she marches indefatigably on, grapples with her first lecturing post and continues to dance with the wolves.

Well done Kaja from OGOM!  You’re a star!


Kaja’s research inspired the legendary Company of Wolves conference in 2015. She has been funded by the University of Hertfordshire on behalf of the OGOM project.


About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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4 Responses to Werewolves in the Academy

  1. William the Bloody says:

    Looks fabulous–pioneering research! Well done, Kaja

  2. firekrank says:

    Thank you for such a lovely post! I’m very proud of all the work I’ve done. And as I keep telling people, in a mildly surprised tone, “I actually don’t hate it”. It is incredibly big. And I find it the height of romance that my partner paid for it to be printed and bound!

  3. Glad you are feeling positive about the research. Lovely to see it bound and completed. Give yourself a little break now and focus on the teaching. Hopefully the viva won’t be too far away…..

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