Vampires Make it Into Academia – Wall Street Journal video of Open Graves, Open Minds back in the day..

I have just realised that the Open Graves, Open Minds project is five years old today!!! We started to plan the first OGOM conference at this time in 2009 and the first conference was in March 2010. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OGOM!!! An enormous and heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed along the way…its been a complete joy. To celebrate I am posting a link to ‘Vampires Make It into Academia’ a video from the Wall Street Journal  (they came over to cover the event). Aww….surely the most fun you can have at an academic conference!!!

OGOM Three ‘Company of Wolves’ coming soon in 2015!! CFP pending…

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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0 Responses to Vampires Make it Into Academia – Wall Street Journal video of Open Graves, Open Minds back in the day..

  1. firekrank says:

    I think I saw my mum in that video! Amazing memories from the conference (I have kept my name badge). Can’t believe it was so long ago.

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