CoronaGothic: Cultures of the Pandemic

‘CoronaGothic’, Critical Quarterly 62.4 (2020), ed. by Prof William Hughes and Prof Nick Groom from the University of Macau, arrived in this morning’s post. Thank you to all who contributed to this ground-breaking discussion from a symposium organised by @UMGothic and featuring many leading scholars including Roger Luckhurst and David Punter. You can access the issue via Wiley online at the link above.

I was lucky enough to get an invite to speak and my paper ‘Amabie goes viral: the monstrous mercreature returns to battle the Gothic Covid‐19′ is available on free access

If you missed the event you can view the full symposium programme here and there is an excellent review of the days proceedings from scholar and attendee Dr Joan Passey. @UmGothic’s next free online symposium is on ‘The Future of the Gothic’ on Friday, 26 February 2021

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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