‘Ill met by moonlight’ Gothic Fairies programme

Preparations are going well for our fabulous conference, ‘Ill met by moonlight’: Gothic encounters with enchantment and the Faerie realm in literature and culture (online, 8-11 April 2021). Tickets are now sold out, alas (though there may be cancellations). You can browse the programme here–it’s a beautiful design!

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to ‘Ill met by moonlight’ Gothic Fairies programme

  1. Ethan Pennell says:

    Hi, I’d love to attend the I’ll Met conference. If a ticket becomes available for the entire event or even part of it, please could you let me know?
    Kind regards,

  2. Sonia James says:

    I just discovered your account and convention. Will any of the sessions be archived for later viewings? If any partial admission is possible, please notify me

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