The Lost Boys — TV series

I like the concept of this forthcoming adaptation of Joel Schumacher’s classic 1980s vampire film, The Lost Boys as a TV series, described here.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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One Response to The Lost Boys — TV series

  1. Daryl Wor says:

    I took a gander. When I first saw the post my immediate thought was, “Oh, please no!” and then I caught myself going, “Oh, Daryl. Big deal. You don’t have to watch it. It won’t hurt the original.” So that was a good exercise in self-discipline! 🙂

    However, it’s fun for me that the subject came up since I did add a wee bit of The Lost Boys in my own show. (Episode 3) and I finally let myself have a little fun by altering my pinterest account location from “Who Cares?” to “Santa Carla, CA”. Ha ha ha! Peace.

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