Happy New Year OGOMERS

Happy new Year OGOMERS from all at the project. Here’s a gothic angel slightly worse for wear to preside over your Hogmanay celebrations and to mark the fact that I have finally finished East of Eden: A Guide to Angels (do take a look and post any thoughts).

Our CFP for OGOM and Supernatural Cities presents the Urban Weird closes on Jan 1st so only two days left to submit. We can’t wait to put together the programme and hear all your fabulous papers. See you in 2018!! Look out for the new year fairy!



About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to Happy New Year OGOMERS

  1. Daryl Wor says:

    Thank you! And a Happy New Year to you all. I am so grateful there is still intelligent life out that doing good study and discussion!

  2. Thank you Daryl we have enjoyed your comments too over the last year. All the best for 2018!

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