The Selkie: Storytelling, Poetry & Panel

I am teaching Selkies this week on OGOM’s YA gothic course and I have just discovered this Selkie: Storytelling, Poetry & Panel Discussion on the 19th March in Brighton. The event is part of Imogen Di Sapia’s exhibition The Selkie: Weaving & The Wild Feminine at ONCA 17th – 25th March, see here for more info and events.

It is described as a night of tales relating to the wild feminine and magical handcraft; the second half of the evening will feature a panel discussion on the symbols within the stories. Telling from Imogen Di Sapia, Fleur Shorthouse, Stacia Keogh, Joanna Gilar & Abbie Simmonds. Musical performances from Tracy Jane Sullivan on Harp and The Butterfly Wheel with acoustic song.

Door & bar at 6:30pm, telling begins at 7pm. Follow the link above to book. Tickets 5.83.

Meanwhile we are studying inbetweeness, liminality, shapeshifting and adolescence in Tides which I really enjoyed!!


About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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