‘Spring-Heeled Jack and the ersatz Victorian Vampire’: Dr Karl Bell, 6th May, University of Hertfordshire

Dr Karl Bell will be in dialogue with OGOM on 6th May at the University of Hertfordshire where he will present his research into  Spring-Heeled Jack and the Victorian vampire myth.


His talk is entitled: – ‘”His eyes resembled red balls of fire”: Reading Spring-heeled Jack as an ersatz Victorian Vampire’ . This event will get underway at 3.30-5.00 in R010 and there will be drinks afterwards in Club de Havilland. All are welcome but please let me know in advance via email if you are intending to come (s.george@herts.ac.uk). I am really looking forward to meeting Karl and to having some drinks with OGOMers. See you there.

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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0 Responses to ‘Spring-Heeled Jack and the ersatz Victorian Vampire’: Dr Karl Bell, 6th May, University of Hertfordshire

  1. Great parody! Love the names

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