Shadowlands: The Dark Origins of the Victorian Fairy, 17th April, 1.30 online

E.T. Parrish, The Visit at Moonlight

I will be giving a free online talk for the University of Hertfordshire’s Literature Research Seminar Series on Wed 17 April at 1.30. The concept of gothic has had an association with fairy from its inception; I’ll be exploring how we lost our fear of fairies and how they came to be associated with spirits of the dead in folklore. Are Fairies immortal or can they fade and die?

Joining details below. All welcome. Do come along and join in the discussion!

Literature, Folklore and Fairytale

17 April 1.30

Sam George: ‘Shadow Worlds: The Dark Origins of the Victorian Fairy’  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 992 6856 5549

About Sam George

Associate Professor of Research, School of Humanities, University of Hertfordshire Co-convenor OGOM Project
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