Vampires: Dracula, James Joyce, Jane Austen, bats, and Marx

Image result for dracula

Again, a bit too late for Hallowe’en, but a handful of essays on vampires here:

1. Recent research at the London Library on Bram Stoker’s annotations to source material for Dracula: ‘The Books That Made Dracula‘.

2. Austen Gilkeson, ‘The Dead and the Undead: James Joyce and the Origin of the Modern Vampire‘ on the vampirism in Joyce’s story.

3. Eric Parisot discusses vampiric rewritings of Jane Austen in ‘Mr Darcy as vampire: a literary hero with bite‘.

4. With Shahidha Bari, Nick Groom and Xavier Aldana Reyes discuss vampire fiction, its origins, and legacy in ‘Sinking Your Teeth Into Vampires‘.

5. Katy Waldman asks ‘Are Vampires Cancelled?‘ in a review of Nick Groom’s new book, The Vampire: A New History.

6. Matthew Wills considers the continuing relevance of vampires by looking at the economic metaphor of vampirism employed by Karl Marx: ‘Marxferatu: Teaching Marx with Vampires‘.

7. Allison Meier explores the bat symbolism that decorates the Parisian cemetery in ‘Bats and Vampiric Lore in Père Lachaise Cemetery‘.

8. And finally, Francky Knapp recalls an early cinematic vamp actor: ‘America’s Vampire Sweetheart: Valeska Suratt‘.


About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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