Fairy Tales: art, essays, and resources

Some more interesting links on fairy tales:

Margaret Carrigan, in ‘What Can Fairy Tales Tell Us About Today? Two Video Artists Offer Modern Takes‘, reviews the video art of Ericka Beckman and Marianna Simnett, showing at London’s Zabludowicz Collection through July; they ‘take up technology as a storytelling device for contemporary society, one that offers the same sense of magic, unknown, possibility—and even peril—for adults’.

Corwin Levi and Michelle Aldredge have compiled another contemporary visual reworking, Mirror Mirrored, reviewed in ‘A new look at fairy tales‘:

The book collects 25 Grimms’ tales, almost 2,000 vintage illustrations of those stories remixed into fresh collages, visual reimaginings of these stories by 28 contemporary artists including Kiki Smith, Carrie Mae Weems, and a mix of other established and emerging artists, and a new piece of creative writing as introduction by Karen Joy Fowler.

Routledge have made The Routledge Companion to Media and Fairy-Tale Cultures available on line free for a limited period, so take advantage while you can!

Kate Forsyth has a fascinating article, ‘Suffragette Mary de Morgan: England’s First Feminist Fairy Tale Writer‘.

Holly Hirst, at Manchester Metropolitan University, has published an intriguing account of how the Gothic and fairy tale genres interact in the contemporary tales of Rana Dasgupta: ‘Gothic fairy-tales and Deleuzian desire‘.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to Fairy Tales: art, essays, and resources

  1. Holly Hirst says:

    The link to ‘Gothic Fairy-Tales and Deleuzian Desire’ did not work. This is the article https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-018-0106-8

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