CFP: Re-orienting the Fairy Tale, Kanagawa University, Japan, 29-30 March 2017

This conference on Re-orienting the Fairy Tale, subtitled ‘Contemporary Fairy-Tale Adaptations across Cultures’, looks wonderful and covers the area of research I’m concentrating on at the moment–fairy tale adaptation in various media is a key concern of all of us at OGOM in general. Alas, it’s too far for me, but perhaps others of you will have the opportunity to enter what looks like a splendid cross-cultural dialogue.

This international conference, the first of its kind in East Asia, seeks to re-orient the fairy tale and to advance comparative fairy-tale studies on a global scale. To do so, it will facilitate conversations among fairy-tale researchers with Western and non-Western cultural backgrounds, stage interactive dialogues between critical and creative practices, and connect common threads across different media and disciplines.


About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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