CfP: Gothic Hybridities: Interdisciplinary, Multimodal and Transhistorical Approaches, Manchester, 31 July-3 August 2018

I should have posted this earlier; my apologies! The Call for Papers is now out for the 14th conference of the International Gothic Association, themed ‘Gothic Hybridities: Interdisciplinary, Multimodal and Transhistorical Approaches’. Manchester Metropolitan University are hosting the event on 31 July–3 August 2018. The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2018.

The Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies invites the submission of abstracts that creatively interpret and respond to the theme of Gothic Hybridities: Interdisciplinary, Multimodal and Transhistorical Approaches.  Papers might explore the ways in which the Gothic mode has entered into conceptual and thematic dialogue with other forms of representation in time, or address the role that the Gothic has played in fostering exchange across different media and disciplinary boundaries.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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