CFP: Damsels in Redress: Women in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Reimaginings, Queen’s University Belfast, 7-8 April 2017

This looks a great conference, with themes very much at the heart of OGOM research (I’m particularly interested in contemporary reworkings of fairy tale, and Sam’s modules explore this too):

Call for papers for a conference at Queen’s University Belfast:

Damsels in Redress: Women in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Reimaginings

Dates: Friday 7th April and Saturday 8th April 2017

Keynote Speakers: Professor Diane Purkiss (University of Oxford); Dr Amy Davis (University of Hull)

With the ever-growing profusion of fairy-tale reimaginings across literature, film, television, theatre, and other artistic forms, a continuing concern among critics today is the portrayal of women. How do these reimaginings represent women’s roles? To what extent do they redress portrayals that have been considered problematic from a feminist standpoint in traditional tales? To what extent do they perpetuate those portrayals? What constitutes a feminist reimagining? How have the fairy-tale heroine, the witch, the (step)mother, the (step)sister, and the fairy godmother evolved since the dawn of second-wave feminism?

This conference aims to foster interdisciplinary scholarship by bringing together a range of ideas about the representation of women in contemporary reimaginings of traditional fairy tales, such as those from the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault. We welcome proposals that explore this representation from a variety of perspectives and fields of study, including but not limited to literature, film, television, theatre, gender, feminist, and queer studies. We also welcome creative exploration on the theme of the fairy tale and how this theme can be interpreted with regard to women.

Topics might include but are not limited to:
● Feminist revision
● Subversive female characters
● The witch figure
● Women in Disney adaptations
● Physical depictions of women
● Mother/daughter relationships
● Sexuality and gender
● LGBTQI relations
● Marriage and Prince Charming
● Voice and agency

Please submit a title and an abstract of no more than 250 words, and a bionote of up to 50 words, to by 1st November 2016.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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