Events and CFPs: Vampires, pedagogy, Candyman, folk horror, Gothic adaptation, Gothic women

Quite a diverse selection here of CFPs, forthcoming events, and resources; OGOM’s Dr Sam George and Dr Bill Hughes discussing vampiric matters among them!

1. Polidor’s The Vampyre, In Our Time, Radio 4, 9.00/21.30, 7 April 2022

Melvyn Bragg and guests [OGOM’s Dr Sam George, Prof. Nick Groom, Prof. Martyn Rady] discuss the influential novella of John Polidori (1795-1821) published in 1819 and attributed first to Lord Byron (1788-1824) who had started a version of it in 1816 at the Villa Diodati in the Year Without A Summer.

2. Rebellion, treachery, and glamour: Lady Caroline Lamb’s Glenarvon and the Byronic vampire, talk, 6.30-8.00 pm, 20 April 2022, Art Workers Guild, London

Dr Bill Hughes is at The Byron Society to give a talk that develops the ideas he first presented at OGOM’s 2019 symposium, ‘Some curious disquiet’: Polidori, the Byronic vampire, and its progeny (this will also be expanded upon in our forthcoming book The Legacy of John Polidori: The Romantic Vampyre and its Progeny (2022)). He will be tracing the progress of the Romantic vampire as political rebel through Lady Caroline Lamb’s Gothic novel Glenarvon, John Polidori’s The Vampyre, and their descendants in Gothic Romance and contemporary paranormal romance.

3. CFP: Recovering the Vampire: Degeneration to Regeneration, conference, 4-5 November 2022, Edge Hill University. Deadline: 17 June 2022

How can vampires help us heal? In the 125th anniversary year of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, this interdisciplinary project examines the continuing history of the vampire from the 19th century to the present, exploring how the vampire can function as a cultural figure of recovery, community, and regeneration.

4. CFP: Gothic Pedagogies: teaching, learning, and the literatures of terror, conference, 14 July 2022, University of Birmingham. Deadline: 30th April 2022

It has been a decade and a half since the last period of sustained work exploring the ways in which gothic literature is, and might be, taught in the classroom. This symposium seeks to renew this important critical discussion. It invites contributions that explore the richness, value, and complexities of pedagogy that situates the careful scrutiny of gothic literature at its heart.

5. CFP: Candyman and the Whole Damn Swarm, hybrid conference, 7-9 October 2022, University of Sheffield/ Sheffield Hallam University. Deadline: 8 July 2022

Candyman and the Whole Damn Swarm is a hybrid conference celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of Candyman (1992). The conference – a collaboration between the Centre for the History of the Gothic at the University of Sheffield, Fear 2000 at Sheffield Hallam University, and the University of California, Riverside – will take place on  Friday 7 – Sunday 9 October 2022.

6. CFP: Folk Horror: Special Issue of Horror Studies, articles. Deadline: 3 October 2022

This special issue attempts to systematize and formalize the study of folk horror, a subgenre whose meteoric rise (or return?) to popularity in the past ten years or so raises critical questions relating to rurality, “traditional” cultures, nationalism, and place, among others. 

7. CFP: Special Issue of Literature: ‘Recycling the Gothic: Adaptations in the Romantic-Era Marketplace’, articles. Deadline: 5 august 2022

This Special Issue seeks to examine adaptations of the Gothic in all forms, from the novel to the short story, chapbooks and serialized publications. It will explore the recycling of  essential elements of the Gothic as a sign of activity and innovation rather than monotony and stagnation. The recycling of the Gothic, whether specific motifs and characterizations or stories themselves, reveals continual interest and engagement between the author and the reader. This distinction is important not only because it allows recycling to be seen as crucial to the growth and sustainability of the Gothic, but also because it allows the Gothic tradition to continue to be viewed in the larger context of evolving discourses.

8. Event: Gothic Women Today: A Public Humanities Panel for Early Career Researchers, 17:00BST / 9:00PST, 14 April 2022

Do you want to share your knowledge of Gothic women writers with the world? Do you analyze the latest Gothic films according to 18C genre conventions? Do you want to meet like-minded fans and scholars of women’s writing beyond your university? Then join our discussion of how we can engage with the field of Public Humanities in this panel for early career (and beyond!) researchers. Hear Dr. Kim Simpson (Chawton House), Dr. Corin Throsby (Cambridge), Dr. Courtney Floyd and Dr. Eleanor Dumbill (Victorian Scribblers), and Dr. Sarah Faulkner (U of Washington) speak about their work bringing Gothic women writers alive and to the people.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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