CFPs: Popular Culture reviews, articles on urban Otherness, creative Gothic

Some invitations to contribute:

1. The Popular Culture Studies Journal is looking for Book Reviewers here.

2. The peer-reviewed e-journal Otherness: Essays and Studies is now accepting submissions for a special issue, forthcoming Spring 2019 – ‘Otherness and the Urban’; deadline 28 September 2018.

3. The University of Sheffield’s Reimagining the Gothic group are holding an Aesthetics and Archetypes Creative Competition (deadline 17 September 2018):

Each year as part of Reimagining the Gothic we hold a creative showcase: an opportunity to explore the theme through various creative methods. This year, that theme is Gothic Aesthetics & Archetypes – think everything from ruined castles, memento mori and gargoyles to Racliffean heroines, Byronic vampires and The Cure.
The aim of the creative showcase is to offer alternative insights and rethink Gothic conventions through a variety of creative mediums. In the past we’ve had photography series’, music videos, dramatic pieces and short films. Want to get involved? This years competition is now open!

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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