CFPs: Myth and art, Tales of Terror, Supernatural Studies

Some more CFPs and Calls for Articles:

1. Myth and Art Revisited conference, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, 18-19 December 2019. Deadline: 31 July 2019.

This international two-day conference hosted by the Department of English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, seeks to explore from a comparativist and interdisciplinary perspective the relationship between classical myth and art as a “revisiting,” or rereading, by other means, of the mythical narratives provided to us by traditional scholarship from a later framework.

2. Call for articles: Gothic Studies Special Issue – Tales of Terror: Gothic and the Short Form. Deadline for proposals 5 August 2019.

The aim of this special issue of Gothic Studies (23/3, to be published Nov 2021) is to bring together research that does not simply consider Gothic short fiction and its artistic and cultural brethren as incidental, but integral to the design and effect and/or cultural significance of the piece because the short form in the Gothic tradition has, as yet, received little in the way of sustained scholarly attention. Form and structure, publication histories, and multi-media adaptation, in various guises, will comprise a key focus of the issue.

3. Call for articles: Supernatural Studies, Summer 2019 issue.

Supernatural Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that promotes rigorous yet accessible scholarship in the growing field of representations of the supernatural, the speculative, the uncanny, and the weird. The breadth of “the supernatural” as a category creates the potential for interplay among otherwise disparate individual studies that will ideally produce not only new work but also increased dialogue and new directions of scholarly inquiry. To that end, the editorial board welcomes submissions employing any theoretical perspective or methodological approach and engaging with any period and representations including but not limited to those in literature, film, television, video games, and other cultural texts and artifacts.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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