CFPs and Conferences: MAPACA & IGA Gothic, Haunted Landscapes, crime, poison, magic

Some forthcoming CFPs, conferences and other events:

1. CFP: MAPACA 2023: The Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association conference

* Deadline close, so hurry!!

Sonesta Hotel Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, 9-11 November 2023.
Deadline: 30 June 2023.

The Gothic Studies area invites proposals which engage with the genre and culture of the Gothic as it is represented in film, television, literature, art, and society. We are especially interested in ways that the Gothic aesthetic defines itself against other predominate modes, or genres, of storytelling or culture. We also invite proposals concerned with subgenres of the Gothic across media, like the American Gothic, southern Gothic, feminine Gothic, the “weird tale,” and the ecoGothic as represented film, television, literature, music, fashion, art, and culture.

2. CFP: Gothic Trans/iterations: 17th Biannual Conference of the International Gothic Association

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 30 July-2 August 2024.
Deadline: 31 January 2024.

The Gothic has been historically, and continues to be, a mode that is shaped by the potentialities, ruptures, instabilities, anxieties and uncertainties that are encoded in the idea of “trans”. The Gothic transcends traditional disciplines, aesthetic categories, periodisation, identities, bodies, genres, media, national and cultural borders, often rejecting the tyranny of traditionally delineated categories, [. . .] We invite proposals for papers, or panels of three connected papers, that explore any aspect of Gothic’s engagement with and investment in the concept of “trans” in any/all aspects of cultural production.

3. Haunted Landscapes: Nature, Super-Nature, and Global Environments

Falmouth University, 4-6 July 2023.

The CFP has closed but you can still attend this exciting conference! Sam is a plenary speaker (more news soon) and Bill will be presenting too.

Literature, art, and film have always explored concepts of the supernatural and the landscape and environment – places and spaces haunted by spectres, memory, or history. Landscapes can be haunted by echoes and memories of colonization, violence done, and irrevocable acts committed. [. . .] This conference will explore haunted landscapes of all sorts – from environments teetering on collapse due to climate emergency, to landscapes steeped in blood, dripping in nostalgia, or haunted by spectral memories or supernatural entities.

4. Crime, Justice, and Cultures of Transgression in Early America: The 14th Biennial Conference of the Charles Brockden Brown Society

University of Nottingham, University Park Campus and Nottingham city centre (and on line), 14-17 September 2023

Again, the CFP has closed but you can still attend.

The conference features papers on multiple aspects of the expression and representation of law-making and law-breaking in North American literary, cultural, and intellectual life between 1691 and 1830. [. . .] Panel sessions include discussions of early American captivity narratives, role-playing and confidence games, the Orientalist spy genre, piracy, urban policing, intersections between science and race, the global circuits of enslavement, indentured servitude, and financial crime.

5. CFP: Poison in Popular Culture: Representations, Aesthetics, and Meanings

Call for chapters for edited collection.

Deadline: 5 November 2023.

This book understands poison not only as a physical entity, but also as an idea, connected to our identities. Poison will be explored in its metaphorical uses, and as a matter of cultural psychology as well. While bearing in mind historical connections and influences, the focus of this collection is on Twentieth- and Twenty-first century popular culture.

6. CFP: Special issue on ‘Magic’, M/C Journal

Call for articles for special journal issue.

Deadline: 4 August 2023.

In his book The History of Magic (2020), Chris Gosden contends that magic is a product of human connection with the universe, offering answers to questions of meaning and reality, and surviving for centuries because of its capacity for constant renewal. Furthermore, magic has been, and continues to be, tied to the activities and beliefs of a myriad of cultural groups, guiding their understandings of, for example, transcendence, transformation, and transactions, cultural, social, political, or otherwise. [. . .] It is against this backdrop that the aim of this issue of M/C Journal is to consider the place of magic in contemporary media and society, to explore how recent media offerings shape our understandings of magic, conjuring and the supernatural, as well as cultural depictions of the everyday.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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