YA Fiction–March 2016

There are some exciting new YA novels appearing this month; this site lists 10 of the best. They’re not all Paranormal Romance (though they all look pretty good), but there are a few which fall into the OGOM sphere.

Lady Midnight, the first book in Cassandra Clare’s new Dark Artifices series, which adds to her Shadowhunters universe, is probably the one which will excite fans of YA Paranormal Romance the most. If you don’t know Clare’s books of demon hunters and their involvement with vampires, werewolves, fae, warlocks, and angels, I recommend them; they are stylishly written, exciting, and sensitively characterised.

Melissa Marr, whose Wicked Lovely series of dark faeries and outsider teens is also excellent, has begun a new faery series, too, with Seven Black Diamonds.

And one other here that intrigues me (as the postmodern transformation of classic fairy tales always does) is Danielle Page’s reworking of Oz, with Yellow Brick War, the third book in the Dorothy Must Die series, featuring, it appears, witches good and evil. (I’d not heard of this before, but the series name alone whets my appetite!)

This site (which is heavily burdened with ads, unfortunately) also promises further delights with a list of the most anticipated YA books of 2016.

About William the Bloody

Cat lover. 18C scholar on the dialogue and novel. Co-convenor OGOM Project
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2 Responses to YA Fiction–March 2016

  1. Lucy Northenra says:

    Thanks for posting this Bill. My Gen Dead students should find this very interesting. I like the sound of the OZ reworkings and this also fits with a recent MA project I am about to supervise on the YA witch.

    • William the Bloody says:

      I like the idea of the Oz series very much, too. I’m not sure how different Paige’s reworking is from Gregory Maguire’s more well-known Wicked version of Oz (which also makes the bad witches sympathetic). I’ve not read that yet, though I have his Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister (a transformation of ‘Cinderella’). He’s also done Mirror, Mirror–which treats ‘Snow White’.

      There are so many of these transposed fairy tales now! It’s a fascinating sub-subgenre in its own right, and I’m trying to catalogue some of them and note their variations. I’m interested in the continuum of this genre from the feminists experiments of the 1960s, that reached their peak with Angela Carter.

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