Some aural and visual delights to feed your Gothic needs …

Quite a few excellent sources have recently been posted on the OGOM Facebook page. For those of you who are not Facebookers, I thought I would collect them together for your delight, delectation, and education.

Firstly there is this useful video from the British Library and Professor John Bowen from the University of York on the subject of the uncanny, the sublime and the supernatural.

We then have Professor David Punter talking about the vampire in Gothic narratives. This forms part of larger lecture about the Gothic which can also be found on YouTube.

And finally, there is this lovely podcast from Durham University looking at ghostly language used in Wordsworth’s poetry.

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0 Responses to Some aural and visual delights to feed your Gothic needs …

  1. Thanks for your kind comments on our podcast on Wordsworth’s poetry. We’ve got some more material on the gothic and things dead and undead over at

  2. Thanks for this, Kaja–I’ve been meaning to repost FB posts here, but not got round to it

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