How to be an Extra on the New Twin Peaks

For those of you who are fans of the cult television programme ‘Twin Peaks’ (1990-1991), the website ‘Welcome to Twin Peaks’ gives you details on how you can be an extra on the new ‘Twin Peaks’. It is a charity auction which means there will be a hefty price tag involved.

However if you don’t have thousands of dollars to spare, you can snap up Return to Twin Peaks: New Approaches to Materiality, Theory, and Genre on Television (2016) edited by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock and OGOM’s Catherine Spooner to tide you over before the new series begins.

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One Response to How to be an Extra on the New Twin Peaks

  1. Winnie says:

    I’m still only about halfway trouhgh it. I wasn’t able to get much reading done last week :/ It’s getting a little slow in some parts but it’s still really interesting. I’ve always had a fondness for gothic horror, though.

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